Not to be confused with this blog (although all of the staff of ThinkChange India are members), a new organization called ThinkChange is a social entrepreneurship roundtable in New York City whose goal is to help ideas become real, sustainable projects. Here is an excerpt from their email invite:
CHANGE. What exactly does it mean? How can we work towards “change”? Are you somebody who wants to “do something”, who wants to work towards “change”, but doesn’t know where to start, with whom, or how?
With these questions in mind, the Indicorps alumni of New York invite you to join “ThinkChange“, a social entrepreneurship roundtable that aims to serve as an idea / action incubator for people with the common vision of effecting grassroots level change. Through a series of meetings that build knowledge on issues of common interest, and provide opportunities to network and build expertise on topics such as social business planning, marketing, and implementation, we hope to spark the exchange of ideas and hopefully, the eventual implementation of innovative solutions to pressing problems in India. Even more simply, we hope to establish a network of like-minded individuals that actively meet, exchange ideas, and work together to build service into their everyday lives. Sound intriguing?
The roundtable is actively looking for more participants and is meeting again on Monday, March 24th. The meeting is from 7pm-9pm at the Puck Building, 295 Lafayette Street (at the corner of Houston and Lafayette) in the Jersey Conference Room.
Anyone interested, please email [email protected] to RSVP or to find out more information. This is also a great opportunity to meet many of the bloggers on ThinkChange India.