Once upon a time, there was a blog. And the blog was very interesting, or so it thought. So it decided to blog again! So now presenting to you the incredible, wonderful, fantastic, never before seen, artsy, nonsensical, rambling, musing, shameless, nosey, pick pocketing, incorrigible...*hmm...what was I saying again?...oh yes!*...scintillating, limelight stealing, unshaven, head banging, sweaty, abs of steel baring, but unfortunately prematurely balding, tea sipping, cookie munching, beach bumming, blackberry flashing, unconventionally dressed, musically muttering blog of Day 2! Tra la la la la *phew*
Attention: The author of this blog would like to congratulate and welcome back his incy wincy, teeny weeny, yellow polka dot bikini wearing readership, and also those people whose computers have hung after reaching this blog. *insert evil laughter*
As a part of the internationally acclaimed Quit Your Job, Become an Entrepreneur Campaign, let us revisit one of your lowest moments as an employee in a giant corporation.
Here is #23445356 : You've spent all day at work doing nothing. Absolutely nothing! Well, it isn't your fault – its just that you finished up early today! But you're hanging around the office to give a good impression to your peers and Demento, himself. How did you kill time? You put your feet up all day; twiddled your thumbs back and forth; played minesweeper, blackjack, and solitaire 25 times; tied, retied and adjusted your tie for the 1500th time; dragged your feet to and from the loo, pausing for a smoke at the side window but all the while keeping an eye on Demento's door. You drew horns, fangs and a tail on Paris Hilton's cover shot and then proceeded to salivate over the photoshopped images of celebrities on the well-worn, wrinkly pages of that magazine you hide under your desk. But all the while there is something else constantly needling, nagging and pulling at that one string lovingly gift-wrapped and tagged 'Do not open till retirement' in your head – freedom! And then it happens – you looked too soon. You face is horribly twisted as you stare fixedly at your watch, tapping it a few times to make sure it hasn't stopped working! *Gah!* "Why isn't it time already", you wonder aloud. You decide to take refuge in the sports section, reading up on the all the team news for the game that night. Alternatively, you call your best friend and while away another two hours. You then go through your pre-take off checklist, packing every item into your case, adjusting the laptop strap to the optimum level and finally you say a little prayer to make that blasted minute hand move quicker. You open your eyes and there in front of you is Demento peering down at you, looking suspiciously amused. Moments later he has handed you a large assignment that 'absolutely cannot wait' and must be 'handed in ASAP!' He flashes a broad grin at you and says, "Sounds good?" You nod stupidly and he has walked out slamming the door. There are no words that can adequately do justice to the way you feel right then. Hmm, did I hear one or two of you chuckle? Been there, done that? Quite possibly.
So now, the point is and make sure you are listening very closely because I will only say this once. Hmm...I hope that I have your full and undivided attention, so kindly ignore that file marked *URGENT* or *TOP SECRET* , not to mention the various others ending with 'Kindly see me in my office immediately, but no peeking through the keyhole', 'We'd like to wish you well in your future endeavours but we're not as nice as you think', 'You are expected to pay for the damages to the company toilet', and that old smoothie -- 'This message will self destruct in 10 seconds'. Yes, I know. Some of you work for the secret service too! But my point is that...*sound of cell phone ringing*...okay, fine! I'm not telling. Katti! Come back tomorrow. Hah!