The Young Entrepreneur reports “assistMoi is a portal where students help out each other to get to know more about a particular institution, without the hassle of adding friends before communicating. This site sorts out students according to institution, year, nationality, country, department, projects completed etc., hence it’s a lot easier to find an assister. Not only that it’s got many handbooks submitted by users and might help you in performing a particular task.”
“Why would I need assistance?”
“Choosing a university is a lengthy process and usually takes about 4-6 months from applying to universities to getting an I-20 from them. Most important factor in selecting a university is the department ranking and not the UNIVERSITY RANKING. But Why??? University rankings are based on the performance of the entire college. For example, a university ranked 50 might have an excellent computer science department, but it is not guaranteed that it is ranked well in aerospace or for that matter of fact any other department.”
“You might find a university ranked 70 or so with a really excellent aerospace department even better than the university ranked 50.Hence University ranking alone can sometimes be misleading. University ranking gives the ranking as a whole taking maybe the performance of the university based on all departments. But how do you find the department ranking of a particular university???? Unfortunately, Google can’t help you with this, since comprehensive department ranking for a particular university is not available, infact you wouldn’t find this data anywhere in the world. The only way going about this is to ask current students of a particular university how the department is, how the research, financial aid etc. in that particular university. This is where assistmoi.com comes in.”
The good news just gets better, Haridas says that the site is not just a preview or a accurate assessment of a university but so much more.
He says “Primarily assistMoi is used by students for searching an assister to help out in selecting universities with its unique Student search tool. Not only that it has many handbooks written by users which might help you to perform a particular task. Its services can be used by anyone and everyone, since it’s free. I think there is a lot of scope for my organization since primarily it helps students select universities/schools/colleges anywhere in the world and there are millions of students migrating from one country to another for higher studies who might need help in selecting a university.”
Haridas has planned for the future while taking economic conditions in mind, he currently advocates low cost marketing as in internet marketing and regular poster marketing. A student by trade Haridas has delved into this project and performed admirable but one only hopes his entrepreneurial streak keeps going.
The portal was set up with little expenditure, he says “By the very nature of assistMoi it does not involve high costs and hence I could manage all the costs by myself.”
assistMOi was covered and featured by the Deccan Chronicle, Hyderabad(may 18th 2009 edition) on the first week of its launch. The internet version can be found at http://www.deccanchronicle.com/cover/college-info,-click-away-684
Yourstory commends Haridas Attur and assitMoi on their foray into entrepreneurship and hopes they find it to their liking.