We all speak of content – Is content just music, photos or does it also mean your contacts and more? And, finally, do you own the content? If you just said yes, and in good probability you carry most of them in your phone, we would like to ask what happens when you lose your phone?Now tell us if you own your content or if your device does?
Most of us lose or damage our phones, and continue to pretend that it will not happen to us again. Lost photos = Lost memories and Lost Contacts = Lost Time
Kepplr is a Product by United Mobile Apps and is used to safeguard your mobile data(Document, photos etc) on by storing them on Cloud. It also provides the facility to remotely wipe the data from the phone and raise the alarm in case the mobile is stolen. you can also trace the device on Map to get it back in case of Theft or Loss.
Kepplr is coming soon for Android (and to more platforms!)
click here to check out Kepplr.