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Free workshop (webinar) on the Power of Storytelling by Stanford Prof. Jennifer Aaker and David Hornik, August Capital

Free workshop (webinar) on the Power of Storytelling by Stanford Prof. Jennifer Aaker and David Hornik, August Capital

Tuesday June 11, 2013 , 1 min Read

On 14th June, 9:30 pm IST, Stanford Innovation and Entrepreneurship course will conduct a free workshop (webinar) titled - The Power of Storytelling: Making Brands Come to Life. Join Stanford

Jennifer Aaker
Jennifer Aaker

Professor Jennifer Aaker and a leading Venture Capitalist in the Silicon Valley as they discuss the importance of stories in fueling growth and innovation in your company as well as the role of stories in shaping how others view your brand.

Professor Jennifer Aaker is a General Atlantic Professor of Marketing at the Stanford's Graduate School of Business and David Hornik is a general partner at August Capital. The agenda of the talk is in the view of an environment characterized by 24/7 news cycles and

interconnected customers with the power to rapidly communicate their likes and dislikes to millions at the push of a button, organizations are challenged to keep their brands fresh, relevant, and differentiated. Companies must rethink their approach and consider the power of the narrative to build a strong and innovative brand.

David Hornik
David Hornik

The webinar will be delivered on -

Friday, June 14, 2013

9:30 p.m. - 10:30 p.m. Indian Standard Time

9:00 a.m. - 10:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time

12:00 p.m.- 1:00 p.m. Eastern Standard Time

Register here, limited seats only