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Aseema Health is a digital platform that brings fitness and wellbeing services to individuals through the active involvement of the groups that they (the individual) is connected with.
Basic Information
Aseema Health is based on a platform concept of bridging the gap in delivery of healthcare and fitness services. They started with the idea that people like to receive support on health without any barriers in between. They are a group of technologists, doctors and project managers who set out to achieve the best possible health care outcome with the best possible experience. They are possibly close to this vision and they invite the best professionals in the healthcare business to be part of their journey.
Legal Name
Aseema Health LLP
Bengaluru, Karnataka, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Vinay Kishan
Founder and CEO
Chiranjeevi H S
Chief Innovation Officer
Shreyas Rao
Chief Project Manager