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Chaudhry Nummero Infra (New York) Inc. is a Numerology company in USA by famous numerologist by Dr. J C Chaudhry.
Basic Information
Chaudhry Nummero Infra (New York) Inc. serves its clients with professional Numerology services by Dr. J C Chaudhry in different areas of life such as entrepreneurship, relationships, personal, career, etc. In his 38 years of experience as a numerologist, he has helped several eminent personalities with name correction, guiding them to a path of complete happiness and success.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Dr. J C Chaudhry
Founder & Chairman
Revenue Stream
Target Market
You can interact with him about your queries and get solutions to them. You can benefit from online numerology reading from any part of the country.
Client Segment
Target Companies
Large Enterprise  
Target Geography
Ask Your question from Dr. Chaudhry related to health, motherhood, child, abroad, relationship, job, etc., and get a personalised solution for your problem. The numerology answers by him will be sent directly to your Email Address within a week's
User Age
26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60,  More than 60  
User Income
Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income,  High Income  