company logo is a smart assistant which uses ML and AI to analyse millions of data points across varied global sources, to provide real-time market intelligence to clients, to make faster and accurate strategic company growth decisions
Basic Information is a smart assistant which uses ML and AI to analyse millions of data points across varied global sources, to provide real-time market intelligence to clients, to make faster and accurate strategic company growth decisions. Its industry focus lies in Chemical Intelligence, Automotive Intelligence, F&B Intelligence and Automation Intelligence. Etta offers help in building strategic analysis and planning, provides financial deep dive, market share and rankings for their clients to be wary of the competitiveness of the market, offers real-time understanding of the effect of global events on their client’s business helps them discover global hidden opportunities, to gain more clients and increase revenue.
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Business Model
Founding Date
Apr 2019
Core Team
Chaitanya Ammini


Stepped into New Market

Aug | Stepped into New Market

Started R&D work by hiring the specialist team to work on Etta structure preparation and building the product.


Company Incorporation

Apr | Company Incorporation

Officially Incorporated the company as Pvt Ltd Firm

Accelerator / Incubator Program

Aug | Accelerator / Incubator Program

Selected as Top 40 startup from 2,000+ global applicants to K-Startup Grand Challenge Program in Korea

Key Customer Milestone

Sep | Key Customer Milestone

Signed the first customer for Etta


Dec | Awards

Selected as Top 20 Global startup on Demo Day by K-Startup Judges

Revenue Stream
Target Market
AI Driven Market Intelligence Assistant for Enterprise Decision makers globally
Client Segment
Enterprise Tech,  Machine Learning,  SaaS,  Analytics & BI  
Target Companies
Large Enterprise,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise  
Target Geography