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Infoesearch media services company that provides customized and scalable media solutions to businesses across various industries.
Basic Information
Infoesearch offers media solutions such as localization services for multiple languages, content moderation, and media analysis. As a global language services provider, they help businesses expand their reach, protect their brand, and gain valuable insights. They offer localization services in 120+ Languages for multiple sectors, including those applicable to media, broadcasting, Edu-Tech, legal, and more, with closed captioning, subtitling, translation, and transcription services. Their other core services are Content Moderation, Media Analysis, and Digital Marketing services to help businesses. With a team of experts, Infoesearch delivers accurate, high-quality services that meet every client's needs.
Legal Name
Infoesearch ITES Pvt. Ltd
Hyderabad, Telangana, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
501 to 1000
Core Team
Suresh Reddy
Founder & CEO


Company Incorporation

Dec | Company Incorporation

Company Incorporation

Revenue Stream
Target Market
Customizable media solutions for businesses looking to expand their global reach and improve their performance, including localization, moderation, and media analysis.
Client Segment
Entertainment,  Media,  Music & Audio,  Social Media  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise,  Large Enterprise  
Target Geography