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MyLeadCatalyst is a unified Lead as a Service Based Platform with verified database, exclusive marketing automation, analytics and reporting with Integrated CRM to create a faster sales pipeline.
Basic Information
My Lead Catalyst is a Jaipur based unified LaaS (Lead as a Service) based platform with verified database, exclusive marketing automation, analytics and reporting with integrated CRM to build sales pipeline faster. Clients get access to a 95% verified database and will be able to recognise hot leads with accurate and up-to-date contact information. The company helps in shortening a client’s overall sales cycle and keep sales pipeline filled with quality leads. CROM helps manage accurate and up-to-date contacts at a central platform in order to save time. It helps companies to track every interaction with warm leads and keep sales process moving smoothly through sales automation CRM.
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Business Model
Founding Date
Apr 2018
Core Team
Anirudh Sharma


Company Incorporation

Apr | Company Incorporation

Started the business through acquiring 3 customers

Started Generating Revenue

Apr | Started Generating Revenue

Started the company as a service based marketing consultancy

Accelerator / Incubator Program

Nov | Accelerator / Incubator Program

Got incubated in I-Start, A Rajasthan government initiative of startup incubation


Product Launch

Jan | Product Launch

Launched My Lead Catalyst - A Unified Laas (Lead As A Service) Based Platform with Verified Database, Exclusive Marketing Automation, Analytics and Reporting with Integrated CRM to Create Sales Pipeline Faster

Target Market
Companies which are targeting prospects to build their sales pipeline in US, UK, and India for their products or services.
Client Segment
DeepTech,  HealthTech / MedTech / Healthcare,  Enterprise Tech,  Software  
Target Companies
Startup,  Large Enterprise,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise  
Target Geography