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myPaisaa is India’s first 100% digital chit fund firm that’s licensed by the Government of India.
Basic Information
myPaisaa is India’s first 100 percent digital chit fund that is registered with the Registrar of Chits. It provides an app for the entire user journey and enables an industry-leading 2 minutes onboarding and 24-hour payout of net chit values. Unlike traditional chit funds, myPaisaa makes it easy to save for a customer’s goals, while giving them the option to borrow from their savings in case of emergencies. At myPaisaa, they offer bank level security for an account. They have enterprise-grade security measures in place to ensure that every detail, including personal and investment details are kept secure. Also, all chit plan information is reported to ROC, Telangana, so that a customer can visit the official T-Chits website and verify the chit details.
Legal Name
Finsave Technologies Private Limited
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Ravindranath Kamma
Co-founder and CEO
Veera Praveen