company logo
PaySe is a paid messaging platform that provides both offline and online digital cash solution and enables customers to make payments.
Basic Information
Payse is a paid messaging platform for influencers, celebrities, public figures, artists and many more. Payse vision for an ultimate feedback system that fans or followers can pay their wishful amount to convey message and feedback which actually mean. PaySe provides both offline and online digital cash solution and is authorised by the RBI. It provides simple payment solutions to merchants and enables customers to make payments from PaySe card or mobile app.
Mohali, Punjab, India
Business Model
Founding Date
Mar 2019
Core Team
Anush Aggarwal


Company Incorporation

Mar | Company Incorporation

Started Generating Revenue

Apr | Started Generating Revenue

First message was exchanged on the platform

Revenue Stream
Target Market
We connect people like Artists, Influencers and others with their biggest fans!
Client Segment
FinTech,  Media,  Entertainment,  Gaming  
Target Companies
Small Enterprise,  Startup  
Target Geography