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Profilehunt is a Kanban board designed for job hunting.
Basic Information
Pune, Maharashtra based Profilehunt is a job application organizer which is a Kanban board specifically designed for tracking job applications. Profilehunt started out as yet another job board. However, while building a job board, the founder - Prithviraj Sukale - thought he should add some things like bookmarking for setting jobs aside to apply later. His future plan for Profilehunt is to build a fully-featured recruiting solution for employers which updates the application status for candidates in real-time. Profilehunt has been built using/uses the following technologies: Ruby on Rails - Web framework; StimulusJS – Javascript; TailwindCSS – CSS; Redis - Memory store; Postgres – Database; Nginx - Reverse proxy; AWS Cloudfront – CDN; AWS lightsail – VPS.
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Prithviraj Sukale
Revenue Stream