Basic Information
Quantica Computacao is in quantum computing space and they are building quantum computing platform. Their primary objective is to develop software platform to utilise future quantum computer technology. They develop essential software tools, algorithms and components which can be used when a real practical quantum computer is established in the future. Their software tools will help the banking and financial institutions in the country to develop Quantum proof tools and techniques to facilitate data security and and encryption, Quantum Machine Learning tools for investment banking and stock exchange, Quantum Simulation Algorithms for pharmaceutical companies to develop new and effective drugs. algorithms for operation research applications like optimisation in supply chain distribution and planning, Advertising scheduling and Revenue optimisation, forecasting etc. The scope of applications is endless once the hardware technology is in place. We are preparing to utilise it immediately once it is in place.
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Harsh P
Sudin Baraokar
Chief Innovator