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Red Server Host is a leading web hosting solutions company founded in 2012.
Basic Information
Red Server Host has continually innovated new ways to deliver on their mission to empower people to fully harness the web. They provide comprehensive tools to millionis of users throughout the world so anyone, novice or pro, can get the web and thrive with their web hosting pages. Red Server Host uses high performance systemns and cutting edge technology to provide you with the best ppossible service. They aslo ensurers the best in stability, maximum uptime and superior network speeds.
Legal Name
Skillvent Technologies
Allahabad, Uttar Pradesh, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B,  D2C  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Core Team
Ishank Khare


Company Incorporation

May | Company Incorporation

Company Incorporation.

Target Market
Want to attract more businesses with our extra ordinary services as we're offering heavy discounts for bulk orders that business can easily take.
Client Segment
Services,  Software  
Target Companies
Small Enterprise  
Target Geography