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Sajhe Sapne is passionate about addressing lack of access to quality higher education programs and aspirational jobs for these women.
Basic Information
Sajhe Sapne provides end-to-end support to young women in villages to launch and grow their careers in modern day jobs. Through their network of skilling centres called Sapna Centers in villages, they design professional courses in everyday spoken languages, deliver them through interactive and hands-on pedagogy, guarantee first job in an industry, and offer professional mentoring up to one year after getting the job. Sapna Centers are skill-development and placements centres at village cluster level for young women to get exposure, resources for skilling and guaranteed placements in forward-looking professions such as management, education, journalism. Currently, they are working with Bihar’s Musahar community.
Kandbari, Himachal Pradesh, India
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Surabhi Yadav
Founder and CEO