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Tickle.Life is a platform which allows sex positive people to explore resources related to sex and sexuality.
Basic Information
Tickle.Life is a platform that provides users with resources and information to understand sex and sexuality better. It has resources on LGBTQ+ movements, sexual exploration, mental health, sexual health and sexual studies. It also provides users with access to sexual wellbeing experts who have written articles on various topics related to sexuality, media and culture. Moreover, the website also has a place for podcasts that users can tune in to which are categorised based on sexuality and topic. There is also a marketplace for people to buy sexual wellbeing books, sexuality discovery courses, sexual wellness products and sexual wellbeing coaching.
Legal Name
Tickle.Life, Inc.
San Francisco, California, United States
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Shakun Sethi
Founder & CEO
Parag Gupta
Co-Founder & COO