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Upmetrics is a simple, flexible tool that helps grow a business faster through plan, strategies, forecasting and collaboration.
Basic Information
Upmetrics is a business plan software to write business plans, forecast and track finances, create pitch deck and canvas models. Through their cloud-based business plan software, they give users a step-by-step procedure for writing their business plan. Their software also has several handy tools to help people plan and forecast their finances, create impressive pitch decks and business models, and many more. Their product comes in three price points i.e. free demo, $5.42 (solo), $8.25 (team), and $29.09 (premium). All their plans come with features like step-by-step guide, visual layouts, custom branding, pitch deck creator, financial planning, and canvas modelling among others.
Legal Name
Surat, Gujarat, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Core Team
Vinay Kevadiya
Co-Founder and CEO
Paresh Balar
Revenue Stream