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ZentrumHub is a cutting-edge Travel Technology Platform. Solution for B2B, B2C, Corporate Agents & Agencies, or OTAs, ZentrumHub’s Solutions around Hotel Booking Engine, White Label solution.
Basic Information
"ZentrumHub is a cutting-edge Travel Technology Platform that has gained global popularity across the industry in a short span. We offer a universal API hotel booking engine, a white-label solution, and a supplier connect platform for global travel businesses. Our products facilitate smooth and efficient business operations, including destination management companies, online travel agents, travel agencies, and wholesalers. Be it B2B, B2C, Corporate Agents & Agencies, or OTAs, ZentrumHub’s Solutions around Hotel Booking Engine, White Label solution, and Universal Supplier Connectivity are there to cater to your business needs. "
Legal Name
ZentrumHub Solutions Pvt Ltd.
Pune, Maharashtra, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
14th Apr 2021
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Abhinav Sinha
Co-Founder & CEO
Bhushan Tamhankar
Co-Founder & COO
Mrigendra Mittal-Boney
Co-Founder & Director Of Sales
Revenue Stream