Don't chain yourself to a desk!

Over the years, experts have observed a significant change in the traditional 9-to-5 work day to the point of saying that the eight-hour grind may soon be an exception instead of a rule. According to the communications firm Euro RSCG Worldwide, one of the top 12 trends for 2012 is that employees of the Generation Y or Millennial demographic are overruling the traditional workday.
Despite of the bad reputation and stereotypes this young generation seemed to be getting for challenging the conventional way of working, they probably have a logical reason for not wanting to chain themselves to a desk.
The generation of young professionals today value autonomy and independence in the work place, unlike their parents that valued security. 37% of Gen Y workers would rather have their pay cut if it meant more flexibility – a balance between work and play. Studies have also said that flexible working have positively affected their productivity and loyalty to their company.
Moreover, they tend to prioritize work satisfaction and out-of-work happiness than earning the most money. Though often seen as laziness, Millennials are known to have 50-60 work weeks and this includes evenings and weekends.
With a more flexible work hours, you have a greater chance of spending time on leisure and loved ones. A person’s mental and physical health can greatly affect their work ethic and happiness. Older generations may have made it look like it is something hard to achieve but the Generation Y are living proofs that a high quality of life is possible.
The increasing demand for a more flexible work hours and office environment paved way to opportunities for a new kind of office space: Coworking Spaces – one of the latest trends of the business industry.
Coworking spaces are membership-based workplaces that offer a more comfortable work area for the freelancers and entrepreneurs of this generation. Not only will they be providing an affordable workplace with a guaranteed smooth sailing business operation, it will also give you a change of scenery. It suggests that the combination of a healthier work environment and a great work experience can become part of a company’s strategy in creating a happier atmosphere in the office that will not only help your employees improve their productivity but also benefit your business to thrive.
The ideals that Generation Y have may be unconventional but the rest of the world should give them credit for the innovation they have brought upon. And with majority of today’s workforce coming from this demographic, are you ready for them?