Content sharing need physical auditing !
Every day we are seeing many stories shared in facebook, twitter, mail inbox, text messages. But how much stories we read ? any one audit the readers ? have any common tool for such audit for websites ?
There are so many tools available to track website visits, like google analytics, statcounter etc. It's for common analysis. It never give much details about your content posted in your website, if it share or send to other channels like social medias. Whenever you share a content, you believe the people all reading that. All the contents never read by every one. Can we track, who read the news ? when ?
Url shorteners are the solution for that. It's actually a third party application, which catch all the visitors, who pass through their link to your web page or content. Url shorteners had a history of 10 years. it was used for converting long ugly url extensions to sleek and short link. It worked like a magic link. Bit.ly, Goo.gl are pioneer in this segment. Later url shorteners are evolved to track visitors details like IP number, location, date, time, device, browser etc.
Many free url shorteners available for quick link creation. It will take maximum 10 seconds to convert any long url to tiny link. You can track the visitors details free in that all provider. Now this segment become commonly used free SaaS platform.
Spam links, tricky ad portals, malware download links, abusive links are now circulating through this short links. It faded the charm of this magic links. Due to that reason people are hesitating to open such common urls. Even though url shorteners are widely using.
Customized Branded url shorteners for Business
All the free url shorteners offer branded url shortening service for business. It's a premium service and have to purchase their package.
Advantage of branded url
- Customized link name (yourbrand/yourlink)
- Full control over link generation and traffic stats
- Unlimited redirection and unlimited short links
- Easy to track each link's performance separately
We, blnk.in offer free branded url shortening service. But the customer should pay the cost of short domain name and hosting space of that domain. It's very useful for start ups to engage their business in social medias with their own short brand urls.
Famous short domains
fb.com - Facebook
t.co - Twitter
g.co - Google