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Leena Walawalkar, Author, You’ve Got To Be Kidding

Friday December 04, 2009 , 3 min Read

The journey from being a Chartered Accountant to becoming an Author.

Leena is a young Indian Chartered Accountant based in London Passion. for writing, the perfect trigger of the global recession, and stories seen and witnessed instigated her move from the banking and financial sector to the creative field and ‘You’ve Got To Be Kidding!’ was born.

'You've Got To Be Kidding!' is a fictional tale about some hard-core truths. Set in the years of 2007, 2008 and 2009, the novel revolves around the turmoil in the financial sector and its straight and side effects on people at ground zero. It is a story almost everybody today can relate to, from the professional in the 8.00 am local, the student on campus, the aspirant rushing from one interview to another, to the guy next door who just got fired.

The success formula (top tier b-schools –> top tier investment banks) drove larger numbers of Indians every year to foreign shores. But students who entered B-schools in 2006 and 2007 were in for a rude shock on the outbreak of the credit crisis. The book deals with one such Masters in Finance batch at London Business School and traces their roller-coaster journey amidst all the chaos. It narrates a story of six Indians who are/arrive in London with goals and dreams.

There's drama, twists, romance, and all other masala too without which a modern day story is incomplete.

Someone who hasn’t studied or worked in finance perceives the financial crisis in a particular way. There is curiosity but due to limited knowledge there’s a restricted view.

Try explaining a mathematical formula to a student using the example of a pretty woman, it would be imprinted on the mind of the man forever. Similarly, when a fictional tale is woven around a complex global situation, the message is put across in a more effective way. So for a guy/gal who anyway understands the subject, this is a story to be enjoyed, as it is something he/she can relate to. And for someone who doesn’t, it’s not just a fun story but also an overview of the unfolding of events and their impact.

All said and done, there’s no heavy dose; it’s a light read; with a cool story of the six youngsters as the core.

So what drove her to write this book? Leena says, "Honestly, i have always loved writing and being on my own, becoming an author was a natural progression.Besides this story is relevant and needed to be told. I have put tremendous amount of hard work, research into it. You can say as a budding author, i am similar to a startup, hands on involved in everything -from book cover design, editing, to promotion. "

YourStory wishes Leena all the best in her maiden endevour. We love to tell the stories of budding celebrites and Leena is definitely worth watching out for or rather her book is definitely worth reading.