Having Trouble Tackling Discontent in Your Organization? HiFives Has a Solution

What HiFives Is
Initially going by the name ‘DealsNow’, the company was established in order to partner with organizations in the fields of employee engagement and motivation. “HiFives as a brand name communicates our values and goals much better - it conveys the essence of achievement, celebration and camaraderie and aligns with our overall vision of bringing innovation in rewards, recognition and benefits organizations while creating happier workplaces,” says Jagadish, the director of HiFives.

The HiFives founding team has loads of experience, having worked in reputed organizations such as Infosys, JP Morgan and Reliance for many years in senior positions. “We have the pulse of the industry and understand the pain points of organizations. Our strong exposure to domains such as operations, technology, finance, analytics, online marketing and e-commerce make us a well-balanced team,” informs Jagadish.
How HiFives Works
One thing’s for certain- HiFives is FOR employees! An employee is the centerpiece of what the company wants to do– help organizations motivate and engage their employees better. “Our programs are built with feedback and inputs from thousands of employees across dozens of organizations,” adds Jagadish.
“We look at ourselves as enablers – we put together the tools, processes and the end-to-end execution support that enable organizations add zing to their employee rewards, recognition and benefits programs.” The orders from corporates are accepted primarily on a subscription basis.
The founder sites an example to go along with his point. Jagadish says, “Think of it like this, when you want to give something to your loved ones, you always try to find out what they want rather than giving them what you think they want! Scale this to an organization with thousands or lakhs of employees and it seems like a nightmare for the HR and Admin team! This is exactly where HiFives comes in – our programs let employees choose their own gifts while reducing the administrative overheads for the organization but still letting them manage their budgets and keep the checks and balances in place.”
Challenges They Face
The culture of employee rewards is still emerging in Indian organizations and therefore, many organizations want to tread this path cautiously, and this is one of the challenges the company faces. “We see ourselves as catalysts in this space – creating thought leadership and sharing best practices. Also, organizations have complex decision making and approval processes, making it time consuming for any new initiative or process change to get implemented. “
On a final note, Jagadish adds, “As a culture, we celebrate any achievement internally, however small or big with high fives (or more appropriately ‘HiFives’). Interestingly, this is exactly what are trying to enable within our client organizations - our platform helps employees to be rewarded by their managers and to be recognized by their peers seamlessly!”
A real innovative and effective way indeed, to reward those who slog for you. So if you’re looking to wipe out those tiny little frowns and groans that are creeping into your organisation, have a look at HiFives here.