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[YS TV] Arunachalam Muruganantham at TechSparks Chennai

[YS TV] Arunachalam Muruganantham at TechSparks Chennai

Saturday August 03, 2013 , 1 min Read

A storyteller is only as good as his story. When the story is good, it doesn't matter if you can't speak well or don't have a great presentation. The story takes care of all that and keeps the audience enthralled.

Prior to this, when we wrote an article on Arunachalam Muruganantham, we used the reference of his TED talk to those who didn't know about him. After TechSparks Chennai, we don't have to do that again.

We got Muruganantham to speak at TechSparks' Chennai edition. If ever there was a stage that was made for this man, it was the TechSparks stage. We celebrate storytellers and there aren't many better storytellers better than Muruganantham and Chennai got a huge dose of inspiration from his talk. He did give us a statutory warning about his language, but it didn't matter. The message was conveyed and people were inspired.


Paraphrasing this talk would be a crime, so we present to you the man himself. Watch these two videos -

Part 1 -

Part 2 -

Inspired? If you're in Pune this month, you can catch up with us at TechSparks Pune. Book your tickets here.