12 Mind- Boggling facts about McDonalds
Here are 12 mind-boggling facts about McDonalds which will delight you:
- In 1961, Ray Kroc bought the company from the McDonald brothers' (Richard and Maurice) for $2.7 million
- McDonald's' daily customer traffic (62 million) is more than the population of GreatBritain
- McDonald's is the world's largest distributor of toys, with one included in 20% of all sales
- McDonald's' $27 billion in revenue makes it the 90th-largest economy in the world
- McDonald’s is not the world’s largest restaurant chain. Subway is

- According to company estimates, one in every eight American workers has been employed by McDonald's
- Sharon Stone worked at McDonald's before she was famous. So did Shania Twain, Jay Leno, Rachel McAdams and Pink
- McDonald's sells more than 75 hamburgers every seconds
- McDonald's' iconic golden arches are recognized by more people than the cross
- The Queen of England owns a retail park in Slough, which has a drive-thru McDonald's
- McDonald's feeds 68 million people per day, that's about 1 percent of the world's population
- In 1974, Ray Kroc, the man who started the golden arch empire asked an MBA class at the University of Texas, Austin this same question. Of course, everyone said hamburgers. Kroc's answer surprised everyone: he said he was in the real estate business.
Here's the way Ray Kroc explained that he was in the real estate business: his primary business focus was to sell franchises of the restaurant. He knew, however that real estate and location were the most important factors of success for each franchise. A poorly placed restaurant would go broke. McDonald's is now the single largest owner of real estate in the world