Talent discovery just got an intelligent layering with PiQube
Hiring has become a nightmare for most entrepreneurs even further ahead of raising funding. With the likes of Flipkart, Myntra and other major startups paying extravagant salaries to young engineers, it becomes difficult every passing day to hire good quality talent for a medium sized company.
It seems like every company in technology sector is trying to hire for developers, sales and marketing with great urgency. Talking to developers or sales guys at good posts across various companies in Bangalore, one realises that every one of them has multiple offers to consider at any given point of time. This makes it difficult to find the right fit with minimum spent for recruiters.
Running ‘The Drone Network’, a recruitment firm for almost 5 years with 28 recruitment consultants, Jayadev Mahalingam used to go through the problem of quality match making daily. Matching candidates to pair with the job descriptions companies usually provide isn’t that easy considering the various roles that have evolved in the recent years. These processes are getting tougher day by day. Most HR consultants today are in dilemma if their efforts would culminate into a closure. Jayadev and his team weren’t quite satisfied with their efforts and this made the team to pivot their model. They started PiQube, an easy to use recruiting tool for effectively matching candidates across the web.

He shares that most candidates who are ready to switch their jobs are passive with respect to hiring. These candidates aren’t looking for jobs but wouldn’t mind to switch if offered good packages. Most recruiters aren’t aware of such passive candidates and fail to find matches for available opportunities. At PiQube, the team is crawling continuously across various social and professional networks to create socio-metric profiles for recruiters to have a glance. Further, to help recruiters with candidates’ profiles, the team is clubbing together all social profiles into one.
Even today, in most cases, understanding and analysing people’s skills and personalities still requires a human touch. There aren’t many tools that analyse and build a personality/skill profile of a candidate yet in the market. Quantification of skills and personality is something that the team at PiQube is trying to work on to further assist recruiters. PiQube wants recruiters to understand the 'Person' behind every profile they come across.
PiQube team believes that a recruiter would have a closure among the 15 suggested profiles for every requirement posted on their platform.
Their market intelligence tool, piSTAT would assist recruiters with candidate profiles across the web for their own requirements. The team has launched this tool this month after having worked over this for the past 6 months. They are also rolling out another tool, an intelligent people-matching engine, rhoSTAT soon for their beta users.

Today, almost all recruiters are using LinkedIn to check for probable candidates and for communications with them. ‘It’s one of the biggest competitor to us’ shares Jayadev. Though the approach in which PiQube wants to assist recruiters may be different, traditional hiring platforms like Naukri, Monster, etc are also competitors to what PiQube wants to achieve.
Currently, the team is witnessing strong traction in technology sector with major pull in BFSI category. Apart from India, the team is focused on acquiring users from Singapore too in their first expansion stage. They have launched a subscription model of US $250 per month; the amount is almost equal to the sum companies usually spend on hiring for 2 positions.
Understanding people’s behaviour is the next product development area in pipeline for PiQube's team. It would a good logical step to easily map candidates based on their behaviour patterns. This would be a good step for recruiters wanting to hire candidates that would adapt to their company’s culture. So next time, a recruiter wants to hire a python developer who loves coffee, he would easily get recommended profiles with PiQube's recruitment tools.
Giving ease to recruiters with rich experience is an interesting area many startups are trying to solve. Inspite of various valuable features, ultimate success of such tools would depend on the rate and quality of closures one would achieve with these tools.
Do check their website here.