Developers! Register for the mobile hackathon at TechSparks [Prize of INR 1 lakh]
We've been through five city regional events and now, it's time for the Grand Finale of TechSparks 2014. In its 5th edition, the finale this time round is spanning two days- October 17 and 18. The main conference is on the 18th while the Hackathon and Workshops are happening on the 17th. The stage is set for the developers to come and hack their way to a prize money of INR 1 lakh. And the theme for the hackathon is mobile. FreeCharge and CommonFloor are the chief sponsors for the Hackathon and the companies will have their senior technical teams at the event to help developers build.

The problem statement is also set, for instance, here's what CommonFloor wants the developers to work on-
The way brokers operate is rather inefficient. Most of these brokers are still using conventional way of communication- SMS/CALL to manage their clients. Considering the fact that a single broker manages 20-25 clients on a normal day, it is highly difficult to manage the work. This is also a big concern from the buyer/seller side as they don't have an option for better communication. This demands a lot of time & energy from buyer/seller.
Now, this is an interesting problem to solve. Considering the mobile penetration in India, and considering the fact that cheap and good mobiles are available for brokers, is there anything that can be done to solve this problem? CommonFloor wants the developers to come up with answers at the TechSparks Hackathon (register for free).
And here is the problem statement from FreeCharge:
Build an app on Android which at all times knows the usage pattern of the user and determine the balance of the user. The challenge will be to get the balance from the operator and then parse it to understand the balance amount. And for other possibilities, here are the themes:
1. Predictive models for determining recharge / bill payment behaviour of user.
2. Postpaid bill / Prepaid bill plan recommender
3. Build good habits among people and reward them with talk time. The key here is how does one validate the good deeds.
Here's the agenda:
08:30AM – 09:30AM Registration over networking
09:30AM – 10:00AM Team-formation
10:00AM – 06:00PM Let the coding begin!
11:30AM – 12:30PM Discussion Corner – Bounce ideas and interaction with mentors and participants
12:30PM – 02:00PM Lunch
03:00PM – 04:00PM Discussion Corner – Bounce ideas and interaction with mentors and participants
04:30PM The Final Hour / Jury Begins
04:30PM – 05:30PM Live demos to the jury
05:30PM Timeout
06:00PM 06:30PM Top Hack Pitches
06:30PM Winner announcements / End of Hack
Apart from the coding, there are also many other things to keep the tempo up. Every developer who attends, gets $100 AWS credits from Amazon Web Services, t-shirts from our Merchandise Partner Sourceeasy which will given to every developer: