5 habits you must have being an entrepreneur
There is a myth that entrepreneurship is something which can’t be learned and comes naturally in an individual. However, in reality, entrepreneurship is an art that anybody can learn, provided that person knows how and what to learn. Here are some lessons I’ve learned the hard way from experience.

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1) Don’t get easily influenced or demotivated
You should not start something just because someone or a story of someone else inspired you enough to take a path which is different. Vice versa holds true as well, you shouldn’t even end up doing something just because someone else’s perception or suggestion demotivated you to continue with that. Getting inspired by someone’s path is good, learning from other’s mistake is better, but creating your own path to the success is the best thing you can ever have in your life.
Life is an exam where you can never copy and it holds true for all!
2) Be the ultimate opportunist
There is no existence of ‘Bad Luck’ in the universe. It all depends on your approach, how you take trouble in your life. When everyone says trouble is the outcome of bad luck, at the same time, it can act as an opportunity as well. I still remember how I ended up writing 200 poems in the year 2013. I decided to write at least one poem every time I faced failure or when someone called me unlucky, during the third year of my UG engineering course. And I got those poems featured in my first book, which was published in Canada.
If your luck is not supporting you enough in your life, start supporting your luck!
3) Self-realisation
More than convincing others, entrepreneurs need to satisfy themselves of their idea first. The idea should be executed in the way that others should end up loving it, and not in a way others want you to. Treat your idea as your soul mate. Analyse it enough to check its viability and strength, never give up on it once you have decided to marry your life with that. Ideas are definitely important but still not everything, at the end business goes where the heart of an entrepreneur lies.
Don’t be obsessed with your idea, love it enough to bring it into reality!
4) Infinite motivation
Everyone knows Himalaya exists; everyone knows it has a peak, but only few reach the peak’s tip. The world calls them ‘fortunate’, but they did it because they were never dependent on the fortune or luck. An entrepreneur should always have internal locus of control and should take responsibilities for each and every happenings of life.
Don’t ditch until you reach!
5) Always be happy, but never be satisfied
Desire to know more, desire to do more, and desire to deliver more can never arise until and unless you are happy enough to give up your best and at the same time unsatisfied enough too with everything you know, everything you do and everything you have delivered to the world till date.
The day you get satisfied, you won’t stay an entrepreneur anymore!
Learning and refining yourself with the help of like-minded people is the best way to come near to perfection in any domain of knowledge and more so in entrepreneurship.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory)