6 leadership tactics at the workplace that are now obsolete, and for good reason
As they say, change is the only constant in life, and one must embrace it as it comes. With the growth of the modern workplace through innovation and technology, companies are trying different approaches to increase productivity. Traditional leadership style of top-down management has drastically changed into a collaborative approach that blurs the lines between a boss and worker.
More and more companies have adapted the new style of leadership. Team building has completely replaced the traditional hierarchy. Gone are the days where leaders in the corporate world believe that power is derived from position of authority. Today, power is greatest in a collective team. Equal participation across all levels encourages the co-workers to grow in harmony. Leadership, at a fundamental level, is really about who is being led. Through time, people have come to realise that work atmosphere has a direct impact on productivity. As a leader, the most important job is creating an environment in which people are happy to work.
Here are six major leadership tactics that are now obsolete.

Centralisation of decision-making:
Centralised management solely relies on one individual to take decisions and give the direction for the company. Through time, this has completely faded away and we see people slowly making collective decisions in a company. Since the decision affects every member of the team, the team as a whole gets to choose what they want.
It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change - Charles Darvin
The authoritarian rule:
Since authority is the crux in a company, it is positional but commands fear. A bossy manager with underdog employees is a scenario that’s long gone. In the generation of startups, the CEO takes on a million roles. The gap between the higher and lower positions have been bridged. Flexibility and empathy are a must these days.
The most basic of all human needs is the need to understand and be understood. The best way to understand people is to listen to them.
-Ralph Nichols
Approach to solving problems:
In traditional corporate culture, decisions are made in the boardroom, approved and then passed on to the employees. Today, solutions are usually brainstormed by the entire team collectively, and is then given to the management. Leaders have slowly recognized the power of a ‘group approach’ to problem-solving and how beneficial it can be.
Leadership and learning are indispensable to each other.
- John F. Kennedy
The rules:
The company used to rely on a series of set rules and regulations. The timing, number of leaves, responsibility – all used to be given to you in a set of paper or sent through mail even before you join in. Today, the culture is such that the employee sets his own terms and conditions, and chooses his role based on his convenience.
Individuals play the game, but teams beat the odds.
Performance and feedback:
Corporations usually have a semi-annual or annual review process. This used to act detrimental to an employee’s morale since missing a single deadline would result in a negative performance review. Job satisfaction rates usually dropped by the end of this. Now, the monthly review systems track down the employee’s potentials, and gives more scope for better performance.
A good objective of leadership is to help those who are doing poorly to do well and to help those who are doing well to do even better.
- Jim Rohn
Open-ended communication:
The traditional belief was to educate the employees in such a manner that they understand the market and work based on information provided to them. As we’re entering the digital age, the managements gives room for employees to do their own research and work according to the new age way. At the end of the day, all they seek is new paths to growth.
If your actions inspire others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.
- John Quincy Adams
A collaborative environment is not only creative and innovative but also beneficial to an organisation. Change is difficult, but is turning out to be a smart business decision. Today’s boss not only listens to team members but also encourages them with their work. The time invested, in turn, positively affects the success of the organisation.