5 reasons why introverts make better entrepreneurs
Bill Gates was called ‘bookish’. Well, you could say he was a tad bit successful.
It is a common misconception that to be a successful entrepreneur you need to be a ‘born leader’ and possess the ability talk your client’s ear off. Truth is, we tend to generalise when it comes to the ‘idea’ of an entrepreneurship. We overhype the fact that they need to possess unparalleled oratory skills and a foolproof networking mantra.
Image : blog.creativelive.com
Although these two qualities are certainly to be revered in the business world, this does not mean that introverts cannot make for great, if not better entrepreneurs. It was Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung who first coined the term ‘introvert’ in the 1920s. The official definition, as per Webster’s Dictionary goes:
An introvert is someone whose attention and interests are directed towards one's own thoughts and feelings OR more broadly speaking- someone who is reserved and shy.
Probably not the most accurate definition one could go by, but then again when have we ever been able to perfectly define and categorise the fifty shades of human personalities?
Introverts are the deep-thinking, risk-analysing, loyal co-workers and silent masters at execution, whose seated cautionary measures work really well in the long run. They have mastered the skills of learning by observing and are, thus, the king sharks of the business ocean.
He who does not speak listens
The thing that works most in favour of an introvert is the fact that he knows how to listen. Be it at social gatherings, meetings or interviews, introverts pick up important details that are often overlooked by extroverts. As a bonus, the introvert usually has a sharp memory and will pull out important pointers from a meeting that no one even remembers. He will, thus, piece together these bits of exclusive information and combine it all to create the perfect seller.
They like being undervalued
The introvert knows he’s good at what he does, but he doesn’t make a spectacle out of it because that gives him the space to win even better. Extroverts, however, are known to thrive on praise and acclaim. Although introverts and extroverts strive for the same goal, introverts do not make their intentions vocal because being undervalued saves them from the constant pressure of needing to outdo themselves. But when they do, they make sure everyone knows it.
They walk alone
Introverts can work best when they’re alone and free from the obligation of consultancy. This doesn’t mean that they don’t work well in a team. It just goes to show that if push came to shove and there was a call for a last-minute one-man show, an introvert would be the best man for the job.
In it to create, not dominate
Introverts tend to give great thought to their actions. They analyse every risk to the bone and may often come across as ‘prudish’. But the truth is, they are the real game-changers, the designated drivers and goalkeepers to their businesses. They are not impulsive and they know how to win it big, with caution.
They like to share centre-stage
Introverts are always looking for the best possible solutions to any problem. They lend an ear for suggestions from all and do not let their egos cloud their judgement. They don’t crave the limelight and are more than willing to give credit where it’s due. This also helps them win the confidence of those working with and around them and, hence, earn a good reputation of being approachable.
So, for all you introverts, who have been told otherwise, know that you can change the very face of the business world. Who knows, maybe Bill Gates will be looking you up on Google someday!
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)