Every company – be it a well-establish MNC or a small business – requires talent, skills, diligence and integrity to produce consistent results. Work ethics is that quality often seen in star employees who do their job well, with/without supervision. If you desire to advance in your career, understanding and implementing key work ethics will give you better opportunities. It will also earn you a good reputation in your professional circles.

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Following are 10 timeless work ethics every professional must follow to excel in his/her career:
- Be trustworthy: Trust is one of the major issues, and employers are always on the lookout for employees who exhibit this quality. Trustworthiness is about proving your integrity and worth over time. It is very important to stand tall and be accounted for the tasks and assignments undertaken.
- Be honest, open and transparent: Honesty has always been and will be the best policy. This timeless adage still hold true in a professional environment. The most crucial work ethic is to complete your tasks with utmost honesty and transparency; without getting into any kind of double-dealing or illegitimacy.
- Maintain positive attitude and work habits: Coming late to work, dressing inappropriately and switching jobs often are not considered as good ethics. Inculcate positive habits and attitude at work that not only impress your superiors, but also leave positive impact on your colleagues and co-workers.
- Be respectful: It is very important to maintain your grace, modesty and integrity under trying circumstances. Being respectful to your co-workers, subordinates and clients during arguments or unpleasant situations will show that you value people’s individual worth more than an unfavourable situation. This will also create and ensure good work culture and healthy relations at the job.
- Dress professionally: As an employee, you are expected to follow a certain dress code. Even if your workplace doesn’t have any specific rules for dressing, always come into work looking neat and professional. Too tight, too lousy, too small or too large – none of them are meant for office.
- Don’t use office funds or equipment for personal gains: This is perhaps, one of the most critical of all rules; disobeying it can even land you in prison! It is a bad practice to use your company’s funds or any other equipment for your personal needs. Such acts can even result in the business failing, which could, in turn, result in your downfall, too.
- Team work: An organisation is not a one-man army. Team work is necessary for any business to grow. Keep your communication and work transparent. Ensure every team member has easy access to all necessary line of documents. Do what’s not only good for you, but also beneficial for the team as a whole.
- Be accountable: Take personal responsibility for your actions and outcomes. You must be willing to admit your mistakes and learn from your failures. Making excuses when things don’t go as planned serves no purpose at all, and should be avoided.
- Be objective: It is easy said than done, but being objective at work ensures you don’t take any hasty decisions. Do not get carried away. Understand what’s at stake. Always play by the rules.
- Work hard and smart: When it comes to work, give it your best. Always be on your toes and never say negative things about your work or tasks assigned. Don’t give excuses, as it is said, “excuses are the tools of the incompetent”.
Professionalism is all about conduct, core values and ethics at workplace. In order to be a successful professional, one needs to have strong work ethics because it is a quality favoured at the work place. Such employees are valued in every organisation and it is very common for companies to run a few extra miles to make their professional force stay in the organisation. Hence, apply careful thought into your own work philosophies that can help you advance in your career.
(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)