Story of these forest officials carrying a baby elephant has gone viral
Though not an everyday occurrence, it is not uncommon for an elephant to block the roads in the Nellima forest region near Ooty. In such situations, honking repeatedly or scaring them in other ways helps in sending the elephant back into the forest.
So when an elephant blocking a road of Nellimala refused to move, the officers and passersby were surprised. While they were wondering how to send the elephant back to forest, they heard a cry from a nearby canal.

The cry was of a baby elephant that had gotten itself stuck in the canal by accident. Then, the officials realised that the elephant blocking the road was the mother waiting for the baby elephant.

After a few hours of struggle, forest officials successfully rescued the baby elephant and carried it back to the mother, according to PTA Media.

After two days, the mother elephant walked up to the area where the team was holding the baby and guided her child back to the forest.
After the video of officials rescuing the baby elephant was shared online, it went viral and the officials are now being celebrated as heroes.
This isn't the first time that officials in Tamil Nadu rescued a baby elephant this year. In a similar incident few months back, officials rescued a baby elephant from a 70-feet-deep well, according to Daily Mail.
In that instance, the elephant was rescued after 24 hours from Govanur village, Tamil Nadu. Talking about the rescue, Periyanaickenpalayam forest range officer Palanivel Raja said,
"We began the rescue operation at around 10am but the operation couldn't be completed on the same day due to the depth of the well, and the elephant was not cooperating. We finally succeeded in taking it out from the well next day"
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