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Career Triangles represent a model used to visualize the balance between three key career aspects: skills, interests, and market needs, helping individuals make informed decisions about their professional paths.
Basic Information
Career Triangles is a dynamic model designed to optimize career development by balancing three pivotal elements: skills, interests, and market demands, alongside the integration of three key stakeholders: the employer, the employee, and the educator. This model encourages collaboration between these groups to ensure that employees are well-equipped with relevant skills and interests that align with current market demands. Employers benefit by having a workforce that is competent and motivated, while educators tailor their curricula to meet the practical needs of the industry and the aspirations of students, ensuring a robust, relevant, and fulfilling career trajectory for all involved.
Legal Name
Ezintsha Systems Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Revenue Stream