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Importance of Designing in Mobile Application Development

Importance of investing in designing of a mobile application in the current mobile application development scenario.

Importance of Designing in Mobile Application Development

Friday January 19, 2018 , 6 min Read

Why designing is crucial before developing an application:


First Impression is the last impression and in a fast-paced world like today where decisions are taken in the blink of an eye, a catchy application design is one very certain way to keep your user hooked onto your mobile application. As users, one of the things which appeal to one’s eye while using a new mobile application is the design and the interface. While as developers this step may not seem that critical, but it is the make or break of your application.

Designing is an important guideline of development that is regularly disregarded in many web and versatile applications. The application marketing is aggressive, and it kind of explains well to why organizations need to rapidly dispatch an application. But that does not imply setting aside the opportunity to make sense of the outline - UI and UX, that can prompt baffled clients since they don't know how to correctly explore your application.

The design acts as navigation for a first time user and thus becomes a crucial part of the mobile application development, defining its functionality. The purpose of a creative and vivid design does not imply an application that looks nice, it’s about curating a pleasant user experience from the time they open the application until the time they shut it. Often, amid the planning stage, we're recognizing potential client deterrents and strategizing how to defeat them. Thus, designing ought to be viewed as an ideal from the beginning since it decides how the application will look and capacity before it's made.

Understanding your client's ideas using designs:

At the point when clients submit ideas, regardless of whether it is adding new usefulness to another application or building another mobile/web application totally, they're by and large average. When discussing a client's prerequisites for the application to be developed, there is an unsaid rule that no less than a couple of things that will change. And when they are given the UI Design, there are typically more highlight changes that visualized.

By displaying them a wireframe/plan before you start building gives you both an alternative to survey the usefulness and effectively roll out improvements or updates to the outline before it is assembled. These usefulness changes could have implied a ton of revise/refactoring of your code, later on, be that as it may, as a result of the UI, you have dodged a considerable measure of this work. It additionally ensures you're in agreement with the partners and that they're sure they will get what they anticipate.

Similarly, as with any task, the more drawn out the development process is, the more time it goes on for, the more changes will cost. With a UI Design in place before you begin building, you give the Stakeholder a chance to perceive how the last item will look and capacity so they can roll out any improvements at that point. This likewise ensures the way you have translated the requirements correctly and coordinated along with the necessities they have.

The design is the main function point of your website or mobile application. The user continues using your application or leaves it midway is decided by the design of it. As it is said what you show first, stays with the user forever! Presenting your site in a more engaging and interesting way with the help of colors, highlights, text etc can help boost the rankings of the application and make it get more viewers.

Client focused outline additionally lessens the quantity of post-launch fixes bug settles that can surface due to lack an item or improper functioning. Getting glitches in advance with client testing can spare thousands (or millions) on improvement refreshes not far off.


One of the greatest patterns in mobile and web application development today is effortlessness. Perfect, natural interfaces that are anything but difficult to explore and don't attempt to be flashy are what customers are looking for, to make their application experience simple.“Keeping it Simple" isn't a trend in any application development company anymore, it is a standard norm.

Designing tips and tricks:

If you need your application to take care of genuine issues for genuine clients, do your research. Ask clients what they require help with. In case you have a pre-existing application, audit existing engagement measurements to distinguish regions for development—where clients desert the application, for instance, or which highlights they never appear to utilize. Break down contender applications to see where yours exceeds expectations or misses the mark.

In case you’re planning on developing a fresh application, lead client testing or meetings with target clients first. Become more acquainted with them and their needs, inclinations, torment focuses and practices so you can settle on great plan choices and enhance the client involvement with each open door for emphasis. Regardless of how smart your creators and designers are, they can never completely envision the user's views and inputs. Genuine clients have a method for revealing use cases you could never consider and exhibiting how convenience can be progressed. Further on, the designers can draw useful references from these surveys and build a design which can help develop an application profitable for business as well as useful for customers.

Ensure the interface has components that clients know about. The general purpose of spending a great deal of energy and time at this procedure is to suspect what clients may need to do and, at that point, blindly follow the most straightforward approach to encourage these activities. Satisfied clients dependably return, particularly when they cherish connecting with your item. Begin by knowing your clients!


Clients don't care for components that are not required. They just wish to find in your application what they are searching for, fast! Also that on the little screen of a mobile there is no space for pointless components to distract people.

Consistency and regular UI components

By utilizing basic components, you do your clients a gigantic support. They will have the capacity to accomplish their errands all the more quickly. Additionally, by adhering to a similar style, you will make it less demanding for them to perceive your item.

Vital utilization of hues

Shading and surface are components that can coordinate consideration. Suggestion to take action catches has an imperative part. You can test diverse forms to see which one works better for your client.

Order and lucidity

Typography can without much of a stretch render your interface more sorted out. Pick diverse sizes and text styles to organize messages.

Great correspondence

Keeping your clients educated about your item is a basic advance you should take on the off chance that you would prefer not to lose them. Utilise your User Interface components.


Designing might come across as a big investment initially which may not have fast direct returns but in a competitive world like today, an application without a creative design will not stay on for much longer which will sooner or later incur losses. So invest wisely and design your application for an engaging, enriching and fulfilling experience for your users!