Mobile - The new Revolution
Now-a-days, who does not have a mobile?? Everyone, starting from the rich and high class society people to the poor sections of the society, has a mobile. People love all the ranges of the mobile phones, whether it is a 80000 mobile phone, or a 10000 mobile phone.
A person needs three things in his life - 'paani', 'kapda' aur 'makaan'(water, clothes and home). But in today's life, this statement is not true. 'Paani', 'Kapda' aur 'Makaan' and 'Mobile'. Not a single person can stay without a mobile in today's generation. I remember a funny incident that happened few years back.

" Oh God!! Where is my mobile??" shouted my dad from the kitchen. "I have to call Mr Ahuja today!!" he said. "Call from the landline", my mom said to my anxious dad, who was searching for his phone all over the rooms. "I don't remember his number", he replied sadly.

This incident tells us the most common and the realistic problem of our today's generation. 75% of the people don't tend to remember the numbers, due to the storage of the numbers in our cell phones. Only after the lose of our phones, we understand the value of remembering the numbers. But now-a-days, even that problem is solved with the help of syncing, which connects our numbers with our email accounts, which helps in backup of the numbers even if the cell phone is lost or changed.

Starting from Camera, Wifi, HotSpot,Internet and every other facility is available these days in our cell phones. People who don't own any desktop or laptop can now have access to all the facilities that they are missing upon with the help of the facilities provided by our phones. Television shows, if missed can be viewed from our phones, any time of the day. Many hit applications like - YouTube, HotStar provide many awesome features which increases the entertainment factor in our lives.

Children study from online notes, and gain immense knowledge. Now-a-days Websites are also mobile friendly, i.e. compatible with our phones. There is no problem in viewing the useful websites from our phones.

But sometimes this mobile can pose a threat, if mishandled. There has been a increase in the number of Cyber Crimes all over the world, i.e. Crimes made by people mishandling computers or mobiles. Mobiles can thus become a disadvantage in many cases for some.
Overall, a mobile phone can be a very useful tool for people who wish to use it wisely. Hopefully, the advanced technology will help in bringing more improved versions of mobiles for the generations to come!