How to make money with website flipping

The concept of flipping has ancient origins.
Flipping is basically buying a product, repairing or replenishing it and selling it at a higher price.
We will talk about the same process except, the product here would be a website.
Today, we will discuss the step by step method to buy a website, increase its value and sell it after a certain period of time to the highest bidder.
We will also check out various strategies employed by experts in the field to ensure that a commendable profit can be gained during this transaction.
What is website flipping
Buying an existing website which is dormant due to various reasons, improving the overall aspects of its, optimizing the website to various search engines and then improving the traffic on the website.
After considerable traffic and selling begin, we sell the website at a much higher price than we bought it for.
This is how website flipping basically works.
How to achieve this
You need not have to be a hardcore techie or need coding knowledge to achieve this task.
Anyone with basic skills to write and optimize can easily do this.
Let’s discuss the step by step procedure to sell your website.
A few dos and don’ts, in the end, will also be provided for your benefit.
Steps to make money with Website Flipping
1. Choose your content
Try to find websites that you are well versed with.
You should be passionate about it and willing to write excellent content for the website.
This will bring out the best and engaging content.
Once you have a proper niche website that fits you, buy a website that is dormant or creates one (whichever you feel is necessary or profitable).
2. Domain name
The domain name should be catchy and if it contains highly search keywords, all the much better.
You can easily buy the domain name online using any service provider.
Once you have the domain name, you are almost done with the basic step.
Remember to choose a domain with highly searched keywords, as this will certainly be a huge help and will serve as an added advantage to you moving forward.
3. Web hosting
Now that you have done the basics of buying a domain name, next you need a platform to host your website.
Select a suitable web hosting plan from the numerous ones available.
They are quite reasonable and you could literally find hundreds of them.
Once you have chosen the platform to host your site, link the domain name with the web host.
4. Template or WordPress
WordPress or Templates are the best trending designs in web designing.
You will have all the inbuilt plug-ins and layouts required for your website.
You just need to insert the content for your website and you are done.
With this, you are now ready to launch the website and start earning.
5. Go for Advertising
Google AdSense provides a code that can be inserted on your website.
This is a free service initially, which will help you earn.
You could also check out Amazon affiliates, Click bank or Commission Junction which helps improve traffic on your website, and also helps you earn.
6. Rich content
People are attracted towards rich and genuine content basically on any website.
So, it is equally important to concentrate on posting unique quality content regularly on your websites to keep it well optimized, updated and to attract traffic.
7. SEO
Optimize your website based on the search engine requirements along with the keywords used by the targeted audience.
You could initiate more traffic via social media sites as well.
8. More traffic – More selling potential
The more traffic you attract, the more potential it provides to find genuine buyers.
This will assist in the visibility of the website in the digital world.
9. Auction or find buyers
You could auction the site at various auction platforms or find potential buyers online.
One thing you need to be careful about here would be anonymous buyers, as most of the transactions made by anonymous buyers are being reported as fraud.
10. Transfer domain
Once you have come to an agreement with the cost and terms, you should transfer the domain to the buyer, and they will take control of your website henceforth.
Repeat these steps, 1 to 10 for another website and flip it once it is ready to be yielded.
This step by step procedure has helped many amateurs make a profit from flipping websites.
So, why not give it a try?
Strategies for Website Flipping
These strategies that I am about to discuss are applicable to experienced website flippers and are not recommended to newcomers.
There are many reasons for this, which you will understand while reading the strategies.
However, there is no harm in having the knowledge and trying to utilize it anytime you are ready.
So, let’s get to the strategies!
• Buy an active website for a targeted product you already sell, and you could redirect this traffic to your own site via advertising, email listing and more. This is a quick way to establish a consumer base and improve your traffic exponentially in a short period of time.
• Buy a site to generate only advertising revenue. By targeting websites only for advertising, you will still make money irrespective of a sale or not since you are advertising products of various brand and various e-commerce giants.
• Buy a site with the intention of a quick flip. This is being done many since the main aim here is to improve the quality of the website and auction it to the highest bidder, an easy and quick money maker.
• Community driver sites are targeting a particular niche audience and there are a lot of form filled consumers. These sites can be used in generating advertising revenue and redirect to different websites where your products are being sold.
• Keep looking for those sites that have the potential to burst in the future, this helps you in a long-term vision. Rich content with proper keyword optimization can be an effective selling platform.
• Some experts buy the website mainly because of domain irrespective of what the website is about or what it sells. This is basically because of the significant value of the domain which will go along with the trend in the future.
Final Thoughts
The concept of flipping as I told earlier is ancient but newer methods are being employed to suit the current trend and need.
I am sure you got the brief idea of website flipping along with the income it generates from this article.
But you should also be aware that online business is limitless and once you make a huge consumer base, never let it go at any cost.
You can make huge money with this.!!