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Backlink Strategy: Proven guide to rank higher on Google

Backlink Strategy: Proven guide to rank higher on Google

Tuesday August 13, 2019 , 3 min Read

SEO is becoming more popular and important for any Business. To attract new customer and engage with you need SEO. So having a good SEO strategy is never an easy task, but you need.

SEO was divided into two parts first one is optimizing the web pages and the second one is to create high authority backlink and both are interdependent. You can't rank any website by following the only method.

At the beginning of SEO, you will need to have a better On-Page SEO Optimization by following the search engine guidelines.

And then you will need High-Quality backlink to pull the rank from lowest to the top.

Why Backlink is important in SEO?

A backlink said backbone of SEO. Google and other search engines follow the several metrics to decide a valuable content for searcher and Backlink is one of them. Backlink helps search engine to choose the most credible source of content.

Google love to listen about you from others. Because it does not give any value when you appreciate or vote to yourself, but it proves valuable when others talking about you.

So backlink is considered as a vote from others to your website. And when your website is getting more backlink for any particular query or phrase then Google can easily consider your website most credible source and rank you higher.

How to create Backlink that gives more value to your site?

Before creating any backlink make sure your niche, because relevancy does matter. Creating a backlink on an irrelevant website doesn't give value to your website. 

Suppose you are selling cat foods and submit a guest post on a website that offers fashion trends so it does not make any sense.

Make sure the reputation of the website from which your going to link your website. Check DA (Domain Authority), Spam Score, Trust Flow, and Citation flow.

If your website getting a link from a well-reputed website then it can boost your ranking.

So keep in mind these things while creating backlink for your website.

Quality (1 quality backlink is better than 100 of low-quality backlink), Quality does matter in SEO.

Activity and Strategy to follow

Various types of activity SEOs follow to build a backlink which is as follow:

There are so many strategies available to get a backlink Like Social Bookmarking, Blog Commenting, Profile Creation, Web 2.0 & Blog Posting, Article Submission, PR Submission, PDF, Image, Video, Infographic sharing, Forum, and Questions Answering


As a high-quality backlink boost your rank in the same way a bad quality backlink can prove harmful for your website. So focus on creating more high-quality backlink than quantity.