Diwali time - Enjoyment at the peak
Its Diwali time!! The most festive season of the year, where the whole country is lighted and everyone is in a happy mood. Let us know more ....
The Festival of Lights- Diwali is here again! People are in the enjoyment mode, where buying various expensive articles are brought and houses are decorated in full swing. Cleaning the houses, making beautiful Rangolis, shopping are the trend of the month. Lets know more about this festival of Lights.

According to Mythological traditions, Deepavali was first celebrated when Lord Ram arrived in his kingdom , with his wife Sita and brother Lakshman, after an exile of 14 years and defeating Ravan, the demon king who had abducted the beautiful goddess Sita. It is said that Ravan abducted her when Ram was not there in the house. He came and asked for bhiksha in disguise of a beggar, and Sita crossed the shuraksha line which was made for her, just to give the beggar some food. He took hold of her and went to Lanka, his kingdom. After that Lord Ram, and his supporters including Lord Hanuman, helped him to release Sita from the evil clutches of Ravan. Lord Ram finally killed Ravan, and released Sita. After that he came back to Ayodhya, where people welcomed him by lighting lights and decorating the whole town. This marked the beginning of the 'Festival of Lights'.

Diwali, is very enjoyable. But every festival has some dos and donts which should be followed in a proper and effective manner. Some do's and dont's include:
1. The Festival should have crackers and lights, but in a limited quantity. This helps in protection of our mother nature, and helps in having a safe and Ecofriendly Diwali, with lots of Fun!!

2. Burning crackers seem to be a lot of fun, but the noise pollution due to that may create severe problems for people suffering from heart diseases and old age. We should make sure that the noise levels are reduced to the minimum.

3. Burning Ecofriendly Crackers, and reducing the pollution to the maximum extent, helps in reducing pollution levels of that area by 60%. The best way is to light dia(lamps), and increasing the festive mode.

Following these rules of dos and donts, will help in safety of our mother nature and give us peace of our minds. It gives a very happy feeling to celebrate Diwali in a friendly way, and be of use to our nation. I hope that people follow a Eco-Friendly and safe 'Festival of Lights'. Enjoy!!