Flat design is all the rage these days. Website owners are embracing this trend for the simplicity that it offers. The good thing about flat design trend is that it bears some similarities with the minimalist design but the point of concern is that these two are absolutely different in a lot of respects from each other. They can be mutually exclusive however, that would depend on the designers or the specific project that they are required to work on.
Now the next argument (and the major one) in this regard is – how is flat design compared with minimalism? What is the difference? Why designers need to care and what about it should ultimately bother them? Read on and you are surely going to find out the ‘hows’ and ‘whereabouts’.
Flat Design and Minimalism – Not Same!
Flat design can be termed as the visual aesthetics. It is possible to have a flat looking app or even website that may be complicated with the buttons and menus along with the CTAs all over. One difference, probably the only one, so it means, is that it is made to look far simpler and relatively “authentic” when it comes to displaying the creation to the digital medium.
On the other hand, minimal designs can be referred to as the design philosophy. Websites that have the minimal approach can be far simpler in terms of navigation and use in spite of the fact that it may as well contain clunky elements in the visual form. When compared wrapped in the culinary setup, flat designs are like trendy ingredients being put into use during the preparation of food whereas minimalism is rather a cookbook that would be consulted by even the best chefs so that they can come up with new and innovative ideas.
How Important Is Minimal Design?
We would say that really depends on a lot of factors. Minimal design is important to the overall field of design but when viewed with respect to the individual client projects, few things will require consideration. First and foremost, is your client really in need of minimal design? We don’t think anyone would address the websites of eBay and Amazon as “minimal” and in spite of that they can be counted among popular websites with heavy traffics.
Another concern that should be taken into consideration is whether minimalism on your website is going to impact the target user experience of your client in a negative way? Minimalism can be compromised in order to make the best out of the navigation and web efficiency. This would rather make the experience far richer and much meaningful.
What is the Future of “Authentic” Flatness?
It is really tough to anticipate whether the flat design phenomenon is just a minor trend or it is powerful enough to stay for long. However, for now, it can be said that it appears to be seeping into most of the aspects of the digital design and world. It can stay for long and for good, if the designers know what they are doing with it, how and ultimately for what! It would largely depend on the designers with better understanding of the fundamental principles of designing who can make any trend popular with it becoming standard rather than limiting itself to simply a fad.
Arguments suggest that flat designs can either go down to death or continue to remain fresh, innovative and exciting as ever. With more and more designers as well as users understanding the difference between minimalism and flat design, awareness on the suitability and preference of each according to the needs of the customer can prevail.