Why Aman Arora of Keventers puts on his boxing gloves every weekend
A tall glass of chilled milkshake in quaint bottles that you can take home is the lure of Keventers. With their pretty kiosks appearing in every nook and corner of the city, this is a brand that is all set to carry its legacy forward.
Looking back
The story of Keventers goes back to 1889 when Swedish dairy technologist Edward Keventer arrived in India to launch a dairy business. He took over the management of the Aligarh Dairy Farm and scaled the business to profitable heights that went beyond Aligarh and spread to Darjeeling, Kolkata, Simla, and Delhi. But with the demise of Edward Keventer, the brand changed hands. It was bought by Ram Krishna Dalmia and the brand was successful until the main factory was shut down due to the government’s reacquisition of the land. This move eventually led to the dissolution of the brand.
Several decades later, in 2015, Dalmia’s grandson Agastya Dalmia and his close friend, Aman Arora, decided to revive and revamp the Keventers brand, with the help of restaurateur Sohrab Sitaram. And this is where the new and revived journey of Keventers began.

New beginnings
YourStory caught up with Aman Arora, Co-founder, Keventers, to find out how the man behind developing new business models and forging key partnerships that went into re-building Keventers, spends his weekends.When asked how he became a part of the new and revived Keventers, he says: “It was simple. Agastya and I saw great potential in this brand and wanted to see what we could do with it.”
Aman is very excited about his journey with Keventers. “We have seen it grow from one outlet at Select Citywalk to over 250 outlets across India, Nepal, Dubai, and now Kenya. The idea behind the glass bottle was indeed to get it into every household, and now that bottle shape is synonymous with Keventers,” he says.
Scoring hits
Despite the fact that he plays a pivotal role in the overall marketing, branding, and creating of verticals for the brand, he makes sure he finds time for his all-time passion – boxing.
“It’s been about a year since I got into boxing,” Aman says. “It’s a great sport because it’s not repetitive and teaches you agility. You always need to know where the next punch is coming from. I am at the intermediate level of boxing now.”
Boxing has become such an important part of Aman’s life that he trains four to five times a week for about two hours.
“My progress is measured through how fast my footwork is. I need to check if my method is right and if I can tell my opponent’s next move.”
Swing it like Tyson
One of the most important skills in boxing is maintaining a serene demeanour all the time. “As ironic as it is, staying calm is the most important skill,” he explains.
“It is also important to stay light on your feet. Making progress as a boxer is all about agility and the method of boxing. Boxing also improves one’s concentration which proves to be an important asset for running a successful business.”
Aman does not take part in boxing tournaments but he believes that grit and practice go into becoming a great boxer. His boxing idols are Anthony Joshua and Mike Tyson. “These two names have really defined the sport for me,” he says. “Anthony Joshua and Mike Tyson not only showed promise and great talent early on in their careers but also displayed high level of perseverance which helped them in making a huge name for themselves in the industry.”
“For me boxing is a hobby and a learned skill which provides me with great happiness and relief in this stressful world. The only way to become a good boxer is by determination and practice. That’s the mantra.”

The noble art of self defence
Getting injured during a bout of boxing is all a part of the game and it has never fazed Aman. “It is alright because getting hurt is a huge part of the learning. I don’t think there is a sport in the world where a player doesn’t get injured,” he observes.
As an entrepreneur, how does he juggle his work and his free time in order to find the perfect balance? He replies, “It’s important to give a 100 percent of your attention and time to whatever you pursue. When I am at work, I am fully committed to it and ensure that my 100 percent focus is given to my work. Similarly when I’m at home with my loved ones, I make sure to be part of the activities that help us unwind and connect with each other. It’s not easy to juggle home and work life, but when they are your priority, you make time. Having said that, it’s also equally important to maintain a work life balance to ensure that you are happy in whatever you are doing.”
Heavyweight lessons
The most important life lesson that Aman has learnt from boxing is about keeping your perspective right.
“Stay focused on the big picture and keep learning. It’s a slow but steady road to getting better, as it is with any sport. As long as you give it your best, you will keep achieving milestones.”