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Top 8 web design companies that are shattering the UAE market

With the competitive market in UAE, it is difficult to select which Web Design Agency might best-fit your business. Here are few to consider.

Top 8 web design companies that are shattering the UAE market

Monday February 12, 2018,

7 min Read

I am a computer graduate from UAE. And since birth, my dream was to start my own company. I tried working for digital agencies from time to time and learned a lot from them. As they say, passion can move mountains, well, for me, those mountains were heavy. I tried opening my own digital agency but failed miserably. But, the good part is, I know have a knack of analyzing companies and helping people decide what might be the best choice for them.

 If you are starting out as an Entrepreneur or already doing a business of your own, check out these web design companies that can help you grow business and increase sales on your website:

1) WatermelonUAE

As the name suggests this is a creative website design agency that is rocking the UAE market with its imaginative solutions.

A team of young and enthusiastic professionals that have mastered the art of understanding the need to the client and coming up with an out-of-the-box solution that will be hard to ignore.

What started out as a simple IT service provider turned into a fully-functional web design agency. With widespread years of experience in creativity, design, and development WatermelonUAE is reshaping the small and large-scale enterprises to increase their digital presence in no-time.

The services include logo design & graphic design, custom website design & development, and marketing solutions. 


Be it a sketch of your logo, or a wireframe of your website or a mockup of your mobile app. The stories they create encapsulate in a shape in the same way a seed holds the power of becoming a forest.

It all started in the scorching heat of Sahara, fetch-breath a brand that initiated with an aim to give birth to digital dreams and turn them into a reality.

A leading-edge web design agency from the USA. They are masters in taking your dream and turning those dreams into memorable digital stories. They are offering services which include website design & development, print design, custom logo design, and branding.

With a gigantic clientele, Branex AE is diversified with experience that helps to cover every level of organization: Right from struggling Entrepreneur to mid-level companies and even high-end companies.

3) Igloo

Born in Dubai, Igloo is a result of three visionaries. In a short period of two years, the company already have dozens of creative employees that are helping small business, and large-scale brands transforming and helping the business to grow.

A mix of creative thinkers, deal breakers and strategy makers that helps in finding solutions to the most complex digital problems and solving them.

Whether you are starting out from your home, or a well-established business, Igloo will help you to establish a strong brand presence both digital and offline. With passion and sheer dedication, the team will help you to grow your business in no-time.

Services include digital marketing, creative designing, marketing consultancy, and website & mobile app development for every-level-business. Valuing people and building relationships that will help you grow your business.

4) Al Wafaa Group

Established in late 2002, Al Wafaa Group drives its energy from its vision: To make competitive products/services and align that with good-natured customer service.

Bringing fresh & new ideas to the digital market – the agency is ISO certified and partnered with Google. The prime focus of the company is in the website development field, with a spectrum of mobile app & software development experience and a workforce of 35 professionals.

Whether you have a simple problem or complex one, Al Wafaa Group will help you to develop custom solutions for your complex problems. And not just that, the company will help your team to align your goals with the services that you are offering.

Committed to excellence the agency also has an office in Kuwait. And expanding their exposure in various other countries throughout the globe. From IT solutions to establishing a strong brand presence and generating more leads, this agency will help you expand your brand.

5) Almeka

The company started in the year 2007 when fresh professionals felt the need to use their experience and help people grow their brands right from scratch.

Almeka initiated its services from India and in the year 2008 dug their roots in UAE. Since the graduates are professionals with an immense amount of passion, the company expanded real-fast and expanded their services at a global -level.

The group of professionals is offering services like website designing, online promotions, SSM, mobile app development, and graphic designing. The company is operating on a goal to expand its roots to other countries.

Well-equipped with market knowledge and tailor-made solutions for brands at every-level make Almeka the right choice for clients who are looking forward towards a hassle-free and creative web design agency.

6) Go-Gulf

Started by Karel Zeman in the year 2005 as a web development company and with time grown into a full-fleshed digital agency.

If you are new Entrepreneur wit ha limited amount of budget you will find reasonable packages that can get your work done.

Fueled by corporate culture and understand the needs of the market, Go-Gulf combines hard labor, coherence, and creativity in every service that they offer.

This is possible due to the vast experience that the founder has with years of working in the digital arena. Karel gathered enthusiasts, creative artists, and digital ninjas to help brands develop, expand, and highlight the strong points of the business on their website.

The plus point is that Go-Gulf has worked with industry-leading brands and helped them generate leads and increase traffic on their website. Furthermore, the agency is specialized in designing corporate logos for brands who are willing to highlight and separate their identity from others brand.

7) BlueBeetle

What started as a side-Hussle boutique turned into a web agency that is making websites for brands and startups. A team of experts and devotees that are willing to enhance the Google rank of your website with compelling user-interface, and easy-to-use website navigation.

This agency has a 12-year market experience which gives an edge over other agencies. They know the sweet spot of customers across UAE and with that in mind, they are transforming complex problems into simple user-friendly solutions that can help brands put their worries to end.

The goal of the agency is to increase sales and generate traffic on the website. Furthermore, BlueBeetle is equipped with mobile developers that are designing award-winning apps for brands and marketing those apps to the potential users.

8) Emirates Graphic

When Sacha Christe wanted a website for one of his ventures, he was disappointed by the agencies that are offering the service. So, he took his faith in his own hands and in the year 2012 started a web agency that is aimed to create innovative websites for clients that are serious about doing business in UAE.

Worked with brands from various sectors – the professionals at Emirates Graphic know the current needs of the market. If you go to them with a problem, they will brainstorm ideas and come up with a custom-flexible-solution for your problem.

Not just that, they will design your website, take care of the marketing, and brand your website across the globe. Their qualified team is capable to handle complex marketing, graphics designing, and branding problems, and analyze them for a workable solution.

If you are worried about starting a company and branding it to the global market, feel free to get in touch with them.


To conclude it all. To create a website is easy, but to generate leads, and bring traffic is the hard part. If you want to expand your business in UAE, try out these agencies and they will help you with your dream.