She Lost 33Kgs in a Year and is now Guiding People to Stay Wow!

“I was 86kgs initially and then came down to 53kgs in a year’s time. I lost 33 kgs. Even when I was fat I was very happy in my own skin. But, I was perceived more than my age and deep down somewhere it created a feeling of hurt. I didn’t like when once a stranger assumed me to be the mother of my niece and I was just 19. Such small incidences created the turmoil within. I chose not to accept the thing I could change.”
Sapna Vyas Patel is a doctoral student and a Reebok Certified Fitness Professional. Using her experience and knowledge, so far she has helped over 5000 people through Facebook in reaching their fitness goal without charging a single penny.
Sharing her fitness secret she says that she followed a proper diet routine. According to her dieting is eating right and not starving. She ate everything she wanted to but in the right proportion and at the right time. She never did crash dieting or even excess exercising. Initially she did intense Cardio and then switched to Weight Training.
Nothing worth achieving comes easy. She points out that there are no short cuts to healthy weight loss. Fitness is a way of life and no magic pills are available. Fad diets may give you quick results but it will drain you of energy, put you at health risks and playing tricks with the body is not a wise choice.
“I plan my diet in such a way that I never feel hungry. I eat almost every two hours but in a small quantity. Our body craves certain type of food when it is deprived of it. For example, avoiding sugar completely would make the body crave for it. I keep check on my protein, fat and carbs sources,” says Sapna.

The physical change is visible but the real change happened inside says Sapna. Weight loss can never be seen in isolation one has to modify the lifestyle as well as the thought process. It taught her patience, discipline and dedication. Most importantly the entire process has made her feel more confident.
It’s no secret that many people start with a great plan to achieve their fitness goal. Unfortunately, very few ever accomplish what they set out to do. Sapna advises people to follow a diet and fitness routine which suits their lifestyle. The best plan in the world is the one you can stick to, says Sapna.
It always seems impossible until it’s done. A choice always exists. So chose to Stay Wow!