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Adidem Corporation helps customers who have gotten into accidents to obtain proposals from personal injury attorneys near them.
Basic Information
Adidem Corporation is a legal technology company that is providing software to help connect individuals with the right personal injury lawyer and creating a legal marketplace for personal injury claims. The platform also enables customers to compare the quotes to see who to hire. They understand that hiring an attorney is difficult so their process endeavors to be simple and effective in helping clients find the best personal injury lawyer to handle their claims. They aim to do this by inserting technology, transparency and competition.
Calgary, Alberta, Canada
Business Model
B2C,  B2B  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
Core Team
Geoff Stenger


Company Incorporation

Jun | Company Incorporation

Company was Incorporated.

Target Market
People looking for a personal injury lawyer and are unsure where to start or who is appropriate.
User Age
26 to 34,  35 to 45,  46 to 60  
User Income
Lower-middle Income,  Upper-middle Income  
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