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Adjust is on a mission to make mobile marketing simpler, smarter and more secure for the more than 40,000 apps working with them.
Basic Information
Headquartered in Berlin, Germany, Adjust is a global app marketing analytics platform committed to ensuring the highest privacy and performance standards. Adjust's solutions include attribution and measurement, fraud prevention, cybersecurity, as well as automation tools. Adjust is the industry leader in mobile measurement and fraud prevention. By making marketing simpler, smarter and more secure, we empower data-driven marketers to succeed. Their products offering for eery level of stack: Attribution - Track and attribute your users effectively; Analytics - Assess traffic patterns to drive true optimization; Automate - Centralize your marketing campaigns and manage them at scale; Audience Builder - Segment your audiences seamlessly for effective retargeting; Fraud Prevention - Stop fraud from harming budgets and data; Unbotify - Prevent in-app bot fraud at scale. Their Salient Features: German engineering - Quality software built to scale to your needs; Unlimited raw data access - Sync raw data to your own BI system or an S3 Bucket; Leaders in security - They don't meet global privacy regulations – they exceed them; Gold standard support – They will help you every step of the way.
Legal Name
Adjust GmbH
Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Founding Date
No. of Employees
501 to 1000
Core Team
Christian Henschel
Co-Founder & CEO
Paul Müller
Co-Founder & CTO
Manuel Kniep

Total Funding


Target Partners
Highland Europe
Morgan Stanley
IRIS Capital Ventures

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