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BALC CADD Training Institute is one of the best and the largest in Karnataka.
Basic Information
BALC CADD institute Mastered in providing quality training in most of the CAD/CAM/CAE courses. BALC CADD provide highly skilled professionals to the Industries worldwide through consultancy service. BALC CADD empowers you with the right skills for your selected field, where you can aim to excel. BALC CADD offers the comprehensive courses for Diploma and Engineering students and Engineers.
Legal Name
Bangalore, Karnataka, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B  
Founding Date
No. of Employees
11 to 20
Core Team
A.N.Nataraj Gowda
Revenue Stream
Target Market
Best Faculty team with many years of industry experience imparting the cad software skills. Thousands of students placed across India by BALC’s placement cell.
Client Segment
Art & Design,  Machine Learning,  Technology,  Software  
Target Companies
Large Enterprise  
Target Geography
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