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Secure your web apps & APIs from the latest vulnerabilities.
Basic Information
Beagle Security is a SaaS-based web application penetration testing tool that helps you to identify vulnerabilities on your web apps & APIs before hackers exploit them. Beagle Security analyzes your web application by applying several penetrating testing procedures to understand how deep it can be hacked. A detailed report is provided explaining the open vulnerabilities and how they can be addressed effectively. With native integrations connecting all major DevOps pipeline tools, you can reduce the cost and complexity associated with managing web application security by adopting a DevSecOps culture.
Legal Name
Beagle Cyber Innovations Pvt. Ltd.
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala, India
Business Model
B2C,  B2B,  B2B2C  
Founding Date
23rd Jul 2020
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Prathap Chandran
Co-Founder and Director
Rejah Rehim
Co-Founder and Director
Revenue Stream