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eBizneeds helps big and small businesses to bring value to their end customers, beat their competition, and grow as a company.
Basic Information
eBizneeds has been solving software issues and creating incredible user experiences since the digital age was called “new media.” They are pioneers who continually ride the wave of each new frontier of tech, backed by a mega-talented team of very experienced developers, designers, and marketing gurus! At eBizneeds, they have long-term partnerships with customers who love them, and the feeling is mutual. But the real magic lies in the full extent of their digital repertoire. From software, AI, and app development to marketing, they take the full journey with clients. Clients get one person to guide them, build a relationship and ensure that all their IT development needs are met with care and panache. From the first sparkly particle of an idea to the brand development and ultimate market arrival that they need, they are here. Their team of ardent developers has proven expertise in developing great applications and software.
Legal Name
eBizneeds Internet Business Solution Pvt. Ltd.
Melbourne, Victoria, Australia
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
151 to 250
Core Team
Naveen Khanna
Chief Executive Officer
Ankur Misra


Company Incorporation

Feb | Company Incorporation

EBizneeds Foundation Day.

Revenue Stream
Target Market
eBizneeds is a leading IT Service Provider and Outsourcing company. We specialize in, Enterprise Software, Mobile Apps and Custom Web Application Development with clients across the globe.
Client Segment
Analytics & BI,  E-Commerce,  Technology,  Marketplace  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise,  Large Enterprise  
Target Geography
India,  Global  
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