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E-India Wholesale is the largest online store designed keeping in view retailers, resellers and boutique owners of fashion and Imitation jewelry in India and abroad.
Basic Information
E-India Wholesale is a venture of Jaipur Mart located in Jaipur, Rajasthan also known as pinkcity of India. They have their own manufacturing unit, craft shops and import directly, they have the best prices on quality products. Now, with the power of e-commerce they bring to you their quality products at lowest wholesale prices with best quality, directly to your doorstep. Their vision is to importing good ideas and distributing trust with assurance. Their main focus is to provide their clients with quality products, competitive prices and latest designs.
Jaipur, Rajasthan, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
21 to 40
Core Team
Ram Krishan Dargani
Founder & MD
Revenue Stream
Target Market
B2B Wholesale Jewellery.
Client Segment
Fashion & Accessories  
Target Companies
Small Enterprise  
Target Geography
India,  Global