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Export Genius is a Global Import Export Trade Data and Analysis Report Provider.
Basic Information
New Delhi based Export Genius is a market research company providing import-export data and trade insights on the international market and trade activities all over the world. They are specialists in import-export trade data and provide a wide range of global trade data according to requirements. They provide monthly or yearly export-import data by HS Code, Product, Country, Port, and more shipment details. They help importers and exporters, logistics & shipping companies, research companies, financial institutions, etc. to expand their business to a whole new level. Export Genius is an ISO certified market research company and was established in 2011. Their founder Mr. Ankur Gupta, with his knowledge of ‘Foreign Trade’ obtained by being an alumnus of IIFT (Indian Institute of Foreign Trade), and 7 years of experience in the import and export business, transformed Export Genius from a small startup to a well-renowned market research firm for foreign trade in the industry. They have served over 20,000 clients from over 80+ countries for the requirement of import-export data. They are proud to serve these clients and they are committed to serving their best to more of their clients in the future.
Legal Name
Export Genius Pvt. Ltd.
New Delhi, Delhi, India
Business Model
Founding Date
No. of Employees
41 to 60
Core Team
Ashita Gupta


Company Incorporation

Aug | Company Incorporation

Company was Incorporated.

Revenue Stream
Target Market
Importers, Exporters, Logistics Companies and more.
Client Segment
Automotive,  Direct-To-Consumer Brands,  Logistics,  Insurance  
Target Companies
Startup,  Small Enterprise,  Medium Enterprise,  Large Enterprise  
Target Geography