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Frizzle Weather is a hyperlocal weather intelligence company that helps SMBs leverage weather insights to make better mission-critical decisions, resulting in better margins, improved operational efficiency, and higher customer satisfaction.
Basic Information
Frizzle currently provides weather services using a combination of hardware and software. Their novel backend algorithm, known as the Hyperlocal Weather Engine, is trained on years worth of historical data. It also has an additional feedback loop from the smart sensors and churns out weather insights that are 6X better than existing solutions. They offer 2 kinds of services - purely software-based and a combination of software and hardware. Frizzle's software service allows anybody to simply enter their location and the timestamp to be served with data that is not only hyperlocal but also actionable. The hardware+software service Frizzle offers follows a similar structure but with the purchase of the smart sensor for their property, clients can not only view and download real-time data but also have access to more accurate weather insights.
Legal Name
Kurtle Technologies Private Limited
Business Model
Founding Date
11th Jul 2020
No. of Employees
Core Team
Anantha Krishna A
Co-founder & CEO
Rishith Bhowmick
Co-founder & CTO
Vanya Arikutharam
Co-Founder & CIO
Abhilash V
Co-Founder & COO

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